Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Back to the gym day 1

To tell you a little bit of myself. I'm a university student. I'm on the co-op term now. I work 35 hours a week. In addition, I have a part time job every once a week. today is the day I do double, I finish my work at 7pm. At this point, I was tired and lazy. I was gonna go to the gym but I was hungry and existed at the same time. I even felt fear to go to the gym that I might die. Moreover, I can get a ride home if I leave now. Otherwise I have to take a bus. So I got in the car and headed home.
I didn't want to go to the gym today.
But if you have this kind of thought in your head. You should throw out. You must work out. so, I went back to the gym.
I weight 167lb. I was 155lb 4 month ago. I was happy and sad at the same time. Because I wanted to gain weight but this is dirty weight(too much fat)
Anyhow, the First day was very difficult. I felt awkward just getting into the gym  because people at the gym are in pretty good shape. I feel like everyone is watching me, I got fat and out of shape.But I know I will transform my body. So will you!

Bodybuilding diet 1

Bodybuilding diet 2

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