Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bodybuilding Asian Day-17

Guys, I am back to the gym completely. I can see myself being in good shape at the end of the transformation. But guys, I have something to tell you and you need to think about it. A human's life is complicated. It is not just about having a good body shape. Being physically in shape is great. However, I disagree that bodybuilding is all you need to care. You should build your mental power. The reason why I am saying is that some people are building their body and getting addicted to bodybuilding. They are so full of themselves. Don't be like them.
So, my point is you need to be humble and knowledgeable in terms of life. you should do your study about science or math, business(whatever you are interested). You should have a religion in my opinion so you can be mentally healthy. You need to have a philosophy in your life. Anyhow, this is the photos of the day 17th.

Let's do this!

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