Friday, May 3, 2013

Wrist injury and elbow pain

Wrist injury and elbow pain

If you have a joint pain, I would recommend that you take Glucosamine. Did you know that I had a wrist pain from heavy press movement such as smith machine shoulder press? I thought I can fix my wrist pain by using wrist support but the pain never went away. Wrist support band is just an external protection. lately, I have been taking glucosamine everyday. I help me a lot to reduce my pain. In fact I don't have any pain.

The other lifting tip is if you feel shooting pain in your wrist or elbow. Stop! But, wait.... no stop. You need to get some rest. Do not try to be tough. I know you want to but it is not worth it. You have to know when to stop. If you keep going even though there is a warning sign, you will need a doctor's appointment soon. Also, warm up your body before lifting heavy weights. Most guys are skipping warm up, that is dangerous. If you don't believe me, go ahead and lift heavy weight without warm up sets. It is better you try than I tell you. For the warm up sets, lift light like 10 or 20 lb. I know only girls using 10 lb but don't be shy. be a girl for a second then be a man. Alright, be a man.
I hope it helps.

Bodybuilding Asian Day - 36

Bodybuilding Asian Day - 36
Not much difference

I lift 90lb each arms (드디어 90 lb 를 든다)

Finally, my third year exam is done, I have some free time to write a blog.
I wanted to organize my transformation pictures.
I have changed since I started, however, I am slowing down.
Perhaps it is normal to slow down at the end of the transformation but I have been slacking for my diet.
My pregnant wife doesn't help me because she eats meals that are cheating meal to me
Finally, I lift 90lb each arm the flat bench dumbbell press.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

몸짱 프로젝트

이제부터 한국말로 써야겠다.
아무리 영어로 써봤자 캐나다인들이 읽지를 않는다. 사실 여기 백인, 흑인 분들 덩치가 커서 내 블로그 볼 일이 없지. 한국 여러분들을 위해서 쓰는 것이 차라리 의미 있는 일이라고 생각된다. 나중에 생각이 바뀔 수도 있겠지만, 아무튼
몸이 크고 있지만, 그렇게 요즘 큰 변화는 없다. 하지만, 몇개월전에 내 모습보다는 났지. 훨씬 자신감이 생겼다. 탈의실에서도 웃통을 자신감있게 올려 제낀다. 왜? 자신있으니까.
하지만, 자만심을 나 자신을 넘어뜨리는 거다. 어깨 운동에 신경을 써야겠다. 팔도 좀 더 커야하고, 식스팩도 완성 시켜야 한다. 여름이 오기까지 한 몇달 남지 않았다. 마지막까지 열심히 해서 완성시키자!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bodybuilding Asian day -33

Bodybuilding Asian day -33

It has been almost one month, since I started my diet.
My belly is getting flat. It is a good sign. Arms getting bigger.
How about you guys?

Bodybuilding Asian day -33 
Bodybuilding Asian day -33

Bodybuilding Asian day -33

Bodybuilding Asian day -33

Bodybuilding Asian day -30

Bodybuilding Asian day -30

I am in a state that I feel comfortable going to the gym. In other words, I feel uncomfortable not going to the gym. This is a good sign. I hope you get the same feeling!

Bodybuilding Asian day -30 
Bodybuilding Asian day -30

Bodybuilding Asian day - 23

Bodybuilding Asian day - 23

Keep moving!
Bodybuilding Asian day - 23

Bodybuilding Asian day - 23

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to lose belly fat

How to lose weight

To lose weight or belly fat, you need to eat often.
Ironically, you need to eat to lose weight. If you starve yourself, you will never lose your belly, trust me.
How do I know eating often is guarantee to lose your weight?
Look at my transformation pictures and videos. You can lose weight in 6 months. I am doing the transformation right now. I just want to save your time and money because when I was out of shape, I was struggling. I hope you don't have to struggle like I used to.


lose weight diet : this is what I eat

Reduce your carbohydrate. Replace your white carbs to whole wheat, whole grain bread, Potatoes to Sweet Potatoes. white rice to brown right and high sugar breakfast cereal to oat meal. The reason why is white carbs will break down so fast that it turns into sugar very quickly and then extra calories from sugar. That sugar will turn into fat and of course it goes to your belly or your hips. That being said, no sugar is allowed unless it is a natural sugar from fruits. If you try reduce your white carbs by replacing your white carbs to whole wheat but you eat sugar directly, what's the point of replacing white carbs?


Cardio is the most efficient way to lose weight. When you do cardio(run, stairs, bike, swimming), at least 30 minutes of intensive cardio, though. Playing soccer and basketball might help but your heart rate is not consistent. I have played soccer many times. It doesn't do

If you don't know how hard you have to do cardio, I would recommend beachbody insanity.
Buy the product and try. You will know how to lose weight right away. (It is pretty intense so you'd better be ready for this program)

Weight lifting ( Weight training)

You need to lift weight. Why? If you don't, your skin will be pretty saggy. I hope you don't want saggy belly. This one is very hard to explain in one or two sentences. I would recommend

You can learn weight lifting

Losing weight: In summary, you would need three methods. Food, Cardio and wieght traning. Food(diet) is a king of losing weight. Cardio is a queen. Weight training is (a prince or a princess). Skipping one of the method will give you no result. But applying all three methods will provide you lose weight or belly in 6 months.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bodybuilding Asian day-19

I really didn't want to go to the gym but I went there. During the weekends, I am planning to build Bodybuilding database using MS access. Maybe I will implement the database on this website. But I haven't figure out how to do that.
Oh, Sorry for the delaying postings. Usually, I take pictures during the weekdays(work out days) and write my blogs when I am free like today or weekend.
Anyhow, Bodybuilding Asian day 19.
We are not going to stop!

Bodybuilding Asian Day-17

Guys, I am back to the gym completely. I can see myself being in good shape at the end of the transformation. But guys, I have something to tell you and you need to think about it. A human's life is complicated. It is not just about having a good body shape. Being physically in shape is great. However, I disagree that bodybuilding is all you need to care. You should build your mental power. The reason why I am saying is that some people are building their body and getting addicted to bodybuilding. They are so full of themselves. Don't be like them.
So, my point is you need to be humble and knowledgeable in terms of life. you should do your study about science or math, business(whatever you are interested). You should have a religion in my opinion so you can be mentally healthy. You need to have a philosophy in your life. Anyhow, this is the photos of the day 17th.

Let's do this!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bodybuilding Asian Day-14

Ok, I want to be honest with you guys. Last week, I had Chinese food for dinner. (It's called New Century Chinese restaurant) If you ever come across this restaurant don't buy anything from it. I am glad the taste was not that good, so I will not make the same mistake again. But I felt guilty after clean up the plate since I broke my diet. Also, another thing I should confess is that I had Big Marry from Marry Brown's famous chicken, It was so delicious (because I am on the high protein low salt diet, it was even more delicious) but I regret quickly after I finished a three pieces meal. So I hope you guys are not making the same mistake.
Anyhow, today I went to the gym, did shoulders and abs. Finally, the wrist pain is completely gone so I can perform as I did before. I finished complete sets and reps for my shoulders.  I did good Abs work-out too. I m pretty satisfied today.
I looked at the mirror. I looked "not good" . you guys probably feel the same. But don't worry. How do you eat an elephant? The answer is one bite at a time. If you are greedy and try to swallow the whole elephant at once, you would probably choke and die. The result never shows fast, in fact,there is no fast result, there is no quick six pack shortcut(Sorry Mike Chang). You must be patient. You will get there. I've been there so I promise! You will be there too and you will be there for free.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Body building day 8

Yesterday, I skipped the gym. I was really tired and slept on the couch. But this is a bad example. If you are hungry you should eat and go to the gym. If you are tired, drink pre-work out and go to the gym. You just have to go there and work out.
There is a saying, no pain, no gain. You feel lazy but you have to do it. You have to cook every week to prepare meals for a week. That's the bodybuilding Asian I am talking about.
It is pretty embarrassing taking a picture early days, but I have to do this in order to show you guys a change. I made a mistake not to take any early pictures so people don't see the change or don't believe me. People thought that I always have a pretty good body shape but as you see, this is not that good. There are some improvement from the first day but not too much. Do not give up! Just keep going. I will tell you when to stop. Until then, build your body, Asians and everyone!

Bodybuilding Asian day 8 Front view

Bodybuilding Asian day 8 Side view

Back to the gym day 1

To tell you a little bit of myself. I'm a university student. I'm on the co-op term now. I work 35 hours a week. In addition, I have a part time job every once a week. today is the day I do double, I finish my work at 7pm. At this point, I was tired and lazy. I was gonna go to the gym but I was hungry and existed at the same time. I even felt fear to go to the gym that I might die. Moreover, I can get a ride home if I leave now. Otherwise I have to take a bus. So I got in the car and headed home.
I didn't want to go to the gym today.
But if you have this kind of thought in your head. You should throw out. You must work out. so, I went back to the gym.
I weight 167lb. I was 155lb 4 month ago. I was happy and sad at the same time. Because I wanted to gain weight but this is dirty weight(too much fat)
Anyhow, the First day was very difficult. I felt awkward just getting into the gym  because people at the gym are in pretty good shape. I feel like everyone is watching me, I got fat and out of shape.But I know I will transform my body. So will you!

Bodybuilding diet 1

Bodybuilding diet 2

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

best diet plan

best diet plan

best diet plan is here. If you ask me why I am a bodybuilding Asian, this is the reason. This book told me the best diet plan. This book taught me it is possible an skinny Asian can become a massive man. This book is the best book I have ever read in terms of diet plan. I hope you can have benefit from this book. You must buy this book and keep it very close to you. Read the book everyday. Record your body status. Follow the diet. I can't emphasize anymore. This is a great book for anyone. If you really want to know the secret of the bodybuilding, this is the book that tells you all about the bodybuilding. Not only does it get you to be prepared physically, But also mentally. Anyhow, this book changed my life dramatically. So, it is your decision but change yourself today!

best diet plan : body for life

The one below is a bonus book. I highly recommend that you buy one after you read body for life. You will see how many people actually have changed their lives though body for life. If they can do it, I can do it then you can do it as well.

best diet plan 2: body for life inspiration